• Dark

    Dark: Season 2

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I just finished watching the second season of “Dark” and I have a lot to talk about this season’s finale.   First of all, let me say, all of my reviews are based on own my perspective about the show, I’m neither trying to be right nor wrong with my reviews, I am simply sharing my opinion and view from my point of view.   With that out of the way, let us begin. Season two of Dark was a thriller from beginning to end, with twists and turns in every episode, authentic, and then some shady questionable moments in others but none had me like the…

  • Series

    Dark Season 1 (2017)

    Ladies and gentlemen, today I want to talk you about a series from Netflix, that has gone under the radar for whatever reason and I think this series should be talked about a lot more. That series is called “Dark”.  The series was released on the 1st of December 2017 by program writers Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese and writers Ronny Schalk, Marc O. Seng, and Martin Behnke. Dark can be described as the first German authentic series to be produced by Netflix. There are three seasons in total with the last having aired on the 27th of June 2020.   Now keep in mind I have only seen the first season so…