The King’s Man
Ladies and gentlemen, today we’ll be discussing the latest King’s man film directed by Matthew Vaughn with producing companies Marv Studios and Cloudy Productions.
The film seems to be based on the events that lead up to the First World War with many prominent figures such as Rasputin and even Adolf Hilter appearing even though it was just for a moment. Matthew Vaughn’s third installment of the King’s man not only confirms when the Kingsman was founded but also reveals the founding members and the situation that led to them forming the secret independent agency.
Even though some of the characters and plot of the King’s man are fictional, it’s World War I mounting and major characters on both sides are derived from real archives.
It must be said though, that whilst the first two installments of “Kingsman” were much better in regards to comedy, keeping the audience awake and all other aspects in the matter, this third installment had more historical support which made the film appear more like a documentary even an actual action film.
Many may take my words as a sign of contempt towards the movie but on the contrary, I still relish the movie and its amazing cast. The one problem I did find challenging on my first watch of the film was the three cousins, King George V, Kaiser Wilhelm II, and Tsar Nicholas II all played by the same character Tom Hollander, for what specific reason I don’t know, maybe it’s some kind of humor that went over my head.
Grigori Rasputin has always been regarded as a weird man for as long as I’ve known how to read and this film not only made it clear for us as the audience to draw up and imagine some of the crazy things that went through this man’s mind but it also gave us one the best fight scenes in the entire movie.
The man not only healed Orlando Oxford’s leg but also attempted to kill him right after that. Once interrupted by Conrad and Shola proceeds to dance whilst fighting against Shola is one of the most iconic fight scenes I’ve ever seen.
Rasputin had indeed gained a great amount of influence over Tsar Nicholas II during World War I as a healer for his son however Grigori Rasputin never poised the Tsar’s son to gain this influence. That’s what I fear most people will mistake as to fact when it’s all fictional.
What I think most fans of the “Kingsman” franchise will appreciate most about this film is knowing and understanding the origins of the Kingsman agency itself, unlike the previous two films the agency had already been formed and we had to take it from there. This film as the starter of all things had a lot more depth to it and that’s one thing we can always appreciate.
Conrad dying was not something I would say I had seen coming, especially the way he went out on top of everything. However, when you look at facts that he had taken someone else’s name to fight during the war and being recognized led to him being dubbed a spy by his countrymen was heartbreaking. Though his sacrifice was not in vain.
The main antagonist of the film is English Captain Morton who had served under Herbert Kitchener and was assumed dead when their ship was hit at sea. However what I’m struggling to understand is if this man had been wearing a wig all along, or did he start wearing the wig after pretending to be dead? At one moment while he’s still Captain under Herbert, he has hair, but when he’s amongst his people the next scene he is bald, this still perplexes me to this moment lol…
Let’s just say this man has a lot of issues, with the English and his goats.
Great movie to watch, the dialog is what truly makes this movie shine as well as its spectacular fighting scenes.
Thanks for reading…
Director - Matthew Vaughn
“We should make The Man Who Would Be Kingsman.”

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