Vinland Saga: Season 2
Welcome back to LSR ladies and gentle, today we’ll be reviewing Vinland Saga: Season 2 which is in my opinion – the greatest character development arc in anime, I’ve ever seen.
Released from January 10th – Jun 20th, 2023, Vinland Saga is written and illustrated by Makoto Yukimura. The series was first serialized in Kodansha’s shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Magazine from April 13 to October 19, 2005.
The premise of Vinland Saga tells the story of a young boy named Thorfinn, who at the age of 6 was raised by the Vikings who murdered his family after they raided his land. Thorfinn grows up to become a terrifying warrior by the age of 15, forever seeking to kill the band’s leader, Askeladd, and avenge his father – Thors.
Now unlike the first season which drew me in with its concept of war and jam-packed action, as well as seeing the results of a young man becoming helplessly consumed by his rage and need to avenge his father, season 2 goes off course when by the end of the first episode, we are reunited with Thorfinn, as a slave at Ketil’s farm.
However, Thorfinn isn’t the boy or the man he once used to be. After losing his entire reason to keep on living with the unexpected death of Askeladd, he had now become a hollow shell, believing deep down within himself that he had lost every meaning to continue living.
Devoid of emotion, void of any sensation, and most importantly, had forgotten the last words from his dying father which was for him to become a “True Warrior”.
Season 2 of Vinland Saga, begins with the introduction of a new but prominent character to the story – Einar, who lived in a remote village with his mother and younger sister, taking up the mantle of ‘man the house’ after his father was killed in the last raid by Vikings.
However, that happy, peaceful life doesn’t last long as they are again found by Vikings, resulting in the death of both his mother and sister right before his very eyes.
Einar represents the pain and sorrow, and victimhood of war to such a degree that you can’t help but want to root for him in some way, shape, or form although, you don’t wish for him to become another Thorfinn, consumed by wrath.
His character is used perfectly to illustrate how one can be taught to hate a specific group of people through his loss, as he begins to hate Vikings regardless of whether they are raiders or simple farmers but upon seeing Thorfinn, something within him starts to question – why?
Though Thorfinn had long left the scene of war, the horde of people he killed during his quest for revenge against Askeladd, civilian or soldier crippled and haunted the man every night as he is shown screaming at the top of his lungs even in his sleep.
The ghosts of his past will not let him rest, they want answers as to why he murdered them, what did they do to him to deserve such a fate? When in truth – they had families just like him, they had loved ones, just like him so why would he do the same thing to others that caused him down this darkened path?
Before I end this review, I’d like to say, Season 2 of Vinland Saga may not be for everyone especially those that follow the series for its intense, gruesome battles, however, this season sparks a fire within you that can not be extinguished.
Its message is direct, and visually the animation has been a marvel to watch.
Whether it’s the beautiful scenery capturing an entire field of wheat or expressing the emotions of a character without words, this season goes out of its way in making sure every detail was given plenty of thought.
Thorfinn’s character development is painful and sad. It just goes to show that not everyone is built the same and looks can also be deceiving. Anyone can be a slave, Viking, or royalty – no one is spared from this endless cycle of profit and greed.
To conclude this review, Vinland Saga: Season 2 explores the slave trade and the undeniable sad reality that many of its victims come from, were once peaceful individuals living happy, normal lives with the ones they loved until everything came to a halt.
Many slaves are killed in the attempts to escape, some are hunted by the same people that were once slaves themselves, whilst others simply enjoy exploiting the weak for their fun and games.
But unfortunately, nothing in this world is stagnant, things will always keep moving forward – you better pray that when the times come, your slaves have more humility than you did.
Treat people as you would like to be treated.
I give Vinland Saga: Season 2 a 5 out of 5 rating.
Let me know in the comments section below whether you agree or disagree with my review of Vinland Saga and if you have any recommendations for a series with great character development.
Thank you for reading another review from, LSR.
Until next time, stay blessed.
Star Ratings
Makoto Yukimura
"In terms of Einar, he is a complete victim of the war and slave trade. I needed someone to represent the victim of the slave trade. These original characters are born in order to fulfill a need in life. For Einar, he represents the pain and sorrow, and victimhood of war. He cannot be a strongly built person. As for Gardar, he started his life with status but then loses everything to come a slave. These set-ups become the backbone of each character."
Vinland Saga tells the story of a young boy named Thorfinn, who at the age of 6 was raised by the Vikings who murdered his family after they raided his land. Thorfinn grows up to become a terrifying warrior by the age of 15, forever seeking to kill the band’s leader, Askeladd, and avenge his father – Thors.
Yuuto Uemura
Shunsuke Takeuchi
Kensho Ono
Fuminori Komatsu
Mayumi Saco
Takayuki Sugou
Youji Ueda
Naoya Uchida
Takuya Masumoto
Hideaki Tezuda
Hiroki Gotou
Tatsumaru Tachibana
Shinya Takahashi
Shuuhei Yabuta
24 Episodes
Twin Engine

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