Tomodachi Game
Tomodachi Game directed by Hirofumi Ogura is a dark psychological thriller that was released on the 6th of April 2022 as an anime adaptation. The anime adaptation was done by Okuruto Noboru based on the work of Mikoto Yamaguchi who conceptualized the series and was written as well as illustrated by Yuki Sato. The first season consists of twelve episodes that are mainly centered around a group of five friends that are one day set up by the organizers of the Tomodachi Game after their school trip money goes missing. The games are focused to test the relationships and loyalty between friends and it is heavily implied that…
The Bad Guys
Director Pierre Perifel’s latest animation film, The Bad Guys merge bringing in the new with the old in art style and perspective. The Bad Guys distributed by Universal Pictures was released on the 31st of March 2022 by Universal Pictures. The film is based on the Australian author of children’s books, Aaron Blabey. Straight off the bat, the first element that caught my attention about this film was its old yet crisp art style which had me reminiscing a lot about my childhood. The characters themselves are all animals with their unique traits that I believe someone, somewhere out there in the world, most definitely has some kind of phobia…
The Umbrella Academy: Season 3
Program creators Steve Blackman and Jeremy Slater return with their hit time-traveling series The Umbrella Academy: Season 3. Season 3 was released on the 22nd of June 2022 on Netflix picking up from where we left off in season 2 with The Umbrella Academy returning to their alternative time only to find that they had been replaced by the Sparrows. It seems as if after averting doomsday in Dallas, Sir Reginald Hargreeves did not approve of the seven children he adopted at the beginning of the series, changed his mind, and decided to adopt another seven instead. This in turn created another time paradox that would eventually end the world…
The Sea Beast
Director Chris Williams debuts his first solo project in The Sea Beast distributed by Netflix. Best known for his work on Moana and Big Hero 6. From the very first scene, The Sea Beast introduced itself as a film to watch out for, with its phenomenal animation and its enormous beasts that lurk under the ocean. There’s this scene during the film when Jacob and Maisie fall into the ocean, and upon looking down deep into the ocean they lock eyes with the Red Blaster. That scene reminded me of every reason that to this day, I have not taken a cruise nor even attempted to go further…
The Boys: Season 3
Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time. Today we’ll be reviewing the most real, controversial, jaw-dropping series about superheroes, celebrities, and political satire by creator Eric Kripke of The Boys: Season 3. The Boys, honest to god, is a one-of-a-kind series that doesn’t shy away from the truth and lets its audience know straight out the bat what their favorite celebrities are actually like when not in front of the cameras. Not to even mention that this season has gone far and beyond in letting us see a different perspective of our favorite characters such as Billy Butcher, MM, Frenchie, and Hughie Campbell. The reveal of Homelander having a personality disorder…
Stranger Things: Season 4 Vol.2
We are back again with the vol.2 of Stranger Things Season 4 by the Duffer Brothers. Vol.2 includes only two episodes that are referred to as “Papa” and “The Piggyback” which pick up right where we left off with Vecna and Nancy. The second vol.2 was released on the 1st of July on Netflix and was highly anticipated by fans all around the world as within just a few minutes of release, Netflix servers crashed due to the heavy demand of subscribers waiting to be the first to feast their eyes on how the season ends. And my word, this was worth the wait without a doubt. …
Star Wars: Obi Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi directed by Deborah Chow is focused on one of the franchise’s beloved characters. After all the hype and success she has brought to the Star Wars franchise through The Mandalorian, it is clear as crystal as to why she’d be headhunted for this major particular series, the lady knows has a creative and brilliant mind. At first, I didn’t know what to expect from the series, in true thoughts, I thought this would be nothing more than a cash cow for both Disney Plus and the Star Wars franchise itself however, as each episode came out I found myself looking forward to seeing more and more.…
Director Chloe Okuno may have released her best work to date with her latest film, Watcher. The film’s focus is on a couple that’s moved into their new apartment in Romania, however, things aren’t all roses and flowers as Julia notices a stranger from across their apartment constantly staring into their room through the window. I don’t believe I have seen any film so simply made yet captivating and thrilling from start to finish. Chloe Okuno’s amazing attention to detail and script writing is what defines Watcher apart from her other crafts. Her way of building suspense and tension in this movie should be an example to all…
The Rising of the Shield Hero: Season 2
Today I’d like to talk about The Rising of the Shield Hero: Season 2 by manga author Aneko Yusagi and production companies Kinema Citrus and DR Movie. The first season of the rising of the shield hero quickly became an Isekai favorite among anime fans across the entire world with its beautiful animation, deep lore, and incredible character development that will blow you away from the get-go. The second season though, my god, where do I even begin? The second season which was highly anticipated especially after the first came with one noteworthy change in directors, with Masato Jinbo replacing Takao Abo. We can’t say without a…
The Man from Toronto
Director Patrick Hughes best known for his outstanding work on “The Hitman’s Bodyguard” returns with his latest action-comedy The Man from Toronto. The Man from Toronto casts some of the movie industry’s most talented and beloved names such as Kevin Hart, Woody Harrelson, and Kaley Cuoco. Right off the bat, The Man from Toronto played by Woody Harrelson makes a very intimidating appearance at the beginning of the film which makes you admire the wealth of talent that this man is. Kevin Hart on the other hand plays the character of Teddy. A good supportive man, that has big dreams and is loyal to a fault however his…