A set or sequence of related television or radio programmes.
The Umbrella Academy: Season 3
Program creators Steve Blackman and Jeremy Slater return with their hit time-traveling series The Umbrella Academy: Season 3. Season 3 was released on the 22nd of June 2022 on Netflix picking up from where we left off in season 2 with The Umbrella Academy returning to their alternative time only to find that they had been replaced by the Sparrows. It seems as if after averting doomsday in Dallas, Sir Reginald Hargreeves did not approve of the seven children he adopted at the beginning of the series, changed his mind, and decided to adopt another seven instead. This in turn created another time paradox that would eventually end the world…
The Boys: Season 3
Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time. Today we’ll be reviewing the most real, controversial, jaw-dropping series about superheroes, celebrities, and political satire by creator Eric Kripke of The Boys: Season 3. The Boys, honest to god, is a one-of-a-kind series that doesn’t shy away from the truth and lets its audience know straight out the bat what their favorite celebrities are actually like when not in front of the cameras. Not to even mention that this season has gone far and beyond in letting us see a different perspective of our favorite characters such as Billy Butcher, MM, Frenchie, and Hughie Campbell. The reveal of Homelander having a personality disorder…
Stranger Things: Season 4 Vol.2
We are back again with the vol.2 of Stranger Things Season 4 by the Duffer Brothers. Vol.2 includes only two episodes that are referred to as “Papa” and “The Piggyback” which pick up right where we left off with Vecna and Nancy. The second vol.2 was released on the 1st of July on Netflix and was highly anticipated by fans all around the world as within just a few minutes of release, Netflix servers crashed due to the heavy demand of subscribers waiting to be the first to feast their eyes on how the season ends. And my word, this was worth the wait without a doubt. …
Star Wars: Obi Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi directed by Deborah Chow is focused on one of the franchise’s beloved characters. After all the hype and success she has brought to the Star Wars franchise through The Mandalorian, it is clear as crystal as to why she’d be headhunted for this major particular series, the lady knows has a creative and brilliant mind. At first, I didn’t know what to expect from the series, in true thoughts, I thought this would be nothing more than a cash cow for both Disney Plus and the Star Wars franchise itself however, as each episode came out I found myself looking forward to seeing more and more.…
Dark: Season 3
Program Creators Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese’s third season of Dark is the perfect portrayal of a tragic story with no actual happy ending for the people of Winden. Season three of Dark has been a journey and a half with all the years we traveled back and forth from and all the revelations that connect the series to its first and second seasons. The first episode of season three is no doubt slow, so slow I passed out and had the best sleep in years lol… We pick up from right where we left off, with Jonas and the alternative Martha from a different world…
Stranger Things: Season 4 – Part 1
The Duffer brothers, Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer have come back with the latest epic season of Stranger Things and it has hit the community by storm. Stranger Things season four is undoubtedly the best yet: and I don’t mean to downplay the previous season however, comparing seasons three to four is as if comparing Hydrox to Oreo. Sure they look alike but Oreo just hits different and if you’re guessing which one is which, Oreo is the fourth season. The production quality of this season is incredible, the cinematography beautiful, pacing and structure of each episode are more than an hour-long, which is insane but gold considering that…
Dark: Season 2
Ladies and Gentlemen, I just finished watching the second season of “Dark” and I have a lot to talk about this season’s finale. First of all, let me say, all of my reviews are based on own my perspective about the show, I’m neither trying to be right nor wrong with my reviews, I am simply sharing my opinion and view from my point of view. With that out of the way, let us begin. Season two of Dark was a thriller from beginning to end, with twists and turns in every episode, authentic, and then some shady questionable moments in others but none had me like the…
Sex Education: Season 3
Ladies and Gentle can we agree that the third season of “Sex Education” has gone far and beyond and in my opinion, should be considered the best season thus far. Program creator Laurie Nunn and writers – Mawaan Rizwan, Laura Neal, Sophie Goodhart, Bisha K. Ali, Freddy Syborn, and Laura Hunter have delivered another successful season of one of Netflix’s beloved series, starting with the captivating season visuals. This season has without a doubt delivered on its focus on teens coming to age and growing into young adults, taking the future into their own hands, and taking responsibility for their actions. Never have I enjoyed Otis (Asa Butterfield) and Eric’s…
Dark Season 1 (2017)
Ladies and gentlemen, today I want to talk you about a series from Netflix, that has gone under the radar for whatever reason and I think this series should be talked about a lot more. That series is called “Dark”. The series was released on the 1st of December 2017 by program writers Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese and writers Ronny Schalk, Marc O. Seng, and Martin Behnke. Dark can be described as the first German authentic series to be produced by Netflix. There are three seasons in total with the last having aired on the 27th of June 2020. Now keep in mind I have only seen the first season so…
The Amazing Race: Season 33
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls of all nations I thought I’d try something different, something I’ve watched from the first seasons. “The Amazing Race”. With all, that’s been going on around the world and with Covid-19 impacting so many things we enjoyed and people’s lives there’s no reason why my favorite reality show itself wasn’t impacted however they held on and continued to entertain us with all the regulation and requirements. For those that don’t know, The Amazing Race is a reality show where 11 couples come to compete against one another around the world for a total of 1 Million Dollars. The couples aren’t restricted by…