Marvel Studios returns with another hit banger, this time focused on the humanoid beings called the Eternals. The Eternals, a race of immortal beings with superhuman powers who have secretly lived on Earth for seven thousand years, under the orders of Celestial Arishem – The Judge, the Eternals battle the evil Deviants. There are 10 Eternals in total including the prime eternal. Each possessing superhuman powers, they all possess the following abilities though they may vary in effectiveness with each Eternal. Superhuman strength, durability, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes, and healing. As the first film that we are introduced to the Eternals, many would have questions as to what they had…
Estella is a young and genius-minded girl who’s determined to make a name for herself in the fashion world. After the death of her mother, she meets a pair of thieves who take her in and create their own little family. In all honesty, this could be Disney’s best live-action remake, the story is beautifully portrayed, the pacing is just right, we are shown a side to Cruella that we didn’t know from them the 1996 film or the 1961 animated movie. It’s quite amazing how we judge a person for who they are now without understanding their upbringing and the trials they had to face. From the 1996 film…
The Witcher: Season 2
Henry Cavill, Freya Allan, and Anya Chalotra return on the highly anticipated season 2 of The Witcher. Geralt sets off on a journey with Ciri that leads him to an old friend who has been cursed to appear with the face of a warthog and makes it impossible to die after the battle of Sodden which resulted in the loss of the Nilfgaardians defeat. Ciri is still hiding some information from Geralt about her potential in being a mage and feels that is always being protected when want she wants to know is how to fight monsters and become a witcher like Geralt. Yennefer of Vengerberg now powerless is captured…
True Story
Famous actor “Kid” played by Kevin Hart returns to his hometown on tour, situations turn for the worst after a night out of drinking with his brother Carlton played by Wesley Snipes and friends which could result in losing all that he has worked for in an instant. I’m sure I am not the only one who’s been waiting to see Kevin Hart play a more serious role, aside from his comedy stand-ups and comedic roles in movies that don’t usually involve a lot of emotions in them. And after watching the first episode I was captivated. The series keeps the audience wanting more with each episode but also makes…
Venom: Let There Be Carnage
As per Andy Serkis’s words, if you are in a relationship and your partner is driving you up the wall yet can’t live without them then Venom: Let there be carnage is the perfect couples therapy session, with popcorn and soft drinks at your own expense lol… I can not begin to explain what a joke this film is, where do I even start? oh yes, how about we start with the first 30 mins of the film with nothing happening, we are shown scenes between Venom and Eddie in a constant tug of war on whether it’s right to eat humans or keep the chicken alive lol… Tom Hardy…
League of Legends: Arcane
The origins of two iconic League champions, set in the utopian Piltover and the oppressed underground of Zaun. You know, there have been a few adaptations done by Netflix, some good, some bad, some needing a little more work done to them and so forth, however, Arcane is none of them, Arcane is on a high roll and I will gladly give my opinion on how I felt about this series to its entirety.
League of Legends: Arcane – Episode 2
With episode two of the League of Legends Arcane series, we return to the young man’s residential apartment before the explosion happened, however, we get to see it from the young man’s perspective. As Jayce and Caitlyn were returning to his dorm, Jayce notices that he can’t open his door and hears footsteps in his apartment, Caitlyn and himself try to pry the door open that’s when the explosion occurs, as Jayce is left on the ground, he seems a blurry Vi in front of him as she turns away as escapes. As Jayce lays unconscious, we get a glimpse of the young man’s past, he and his mother were…
League of Legends: Arcane – Episode 1
Ladies and Gentlemen, back with another banger series, Arcane which focuses on some of League of Legends’ most beloved sister dynamic Jinx and Vi. The series is split into three different acts, which are released, 3 episodes per week. Its main focus is to give league of legends players and lovers out there the unbelievable backstory of Jinx and Vi, at the same time presenting us with more knowledge of how the world we love so much in the League of Legends, without further ado, let’s begin with Episode 1. From we are shown images of chaos and death, enforcers of Piltover fighting with the residents of Zaun.…
Squid Game Episode 2 – Hell
With the surviving players realizing what it means to be a part of these games, most are left shocked and perplexed at what they have just experienced. Gi-Hun thanks his long-time friend Sang-Woo for his advice and thanks to Ali for saving him last minute as he was about to fall. Gi-Hun also admires player number one for his bravery, as if it weren’t for him, none of the players would have grown the courage to play the game in the first place. The four quickly form a bond after what they just witnessed as the doors open and the administrators return to show their appreciation to the players that…
Squid Game -Episode 1 | Right Light, Green Light
Ladies and Gentle, it’s about time I made this review for a series that has taken the whole world by storm. Netflix’s Korean series, Squid Game. Right off the bat, we are shown how children play the game itself called Squid Game, the rules, and the skills it takes to win. We then meet the protagonist of the story, Seong Gi-Hun who is a man in his early forties living with his elderly mother who is the breadwinner in the family. While Gi-Hun is eating his breakfast, his mother gives him twenty thousand won, equivalent to more or less two hundred and fifty-three rands in South Africa and he randomly…